Villa / house Gorski kat
Govedartsi, nyama posochen adres, GPS coordinates: N 42.2630495 E 23.4731211
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Village "Forest area" camping is 1.5 km. by Govedarci of 1100m.n.v., 26 km from Borovets.
The guests houses are bungalows with a total capacity for 30 people.
The garden is one of the pine forest and there are places for motor homes and caravans, equipped with their own electricity and 3 bathrooms.
Business facilities
bathroom / toilet
Location facilities
Prices per person
Room Type | Изхр. | from Jan 01 to Dec 31 |
Bungalow for 4 | OB | 25.00 levs |
ROOMS.BG recommends you to get in touch with the hotel for current prices and conditions.