Thracian tomb near Malko Tarnovo

Strandja is known not only for its beauty, its virgin nature, not only with love, the folklore, the hospitality of Strandzha .. It is famous for its unique attractions that reveal not only our history for centuries before us, but thanks to them and understand about Life being of our ancestors .. Their values, attitudes, beliefs .. their fears, hopes and expectations. This paradise is hidden within itself the legacy of several civilizations. Strandja provoked many of us .. Many questions answered .. many feelings .. It is no accident area known historical treasures of our land. No accident here legends and tales from the distant past, not accidentally call it the Mountain of the ancient Thracians. One of the biggest discoveries in the region is the Thracian tomb, located 3 km from Malko Tarnovo in Mishkova levels.Sanctuary is one of the most impressive tombs from the period of Roman rule in Thrace.Domed tomb is a majestic piece of Thracian architecture. The marble structure was the tomb of Thracian God. Originally the tomb was an altar of stone surrounded by a low range of stone blocks, and at a later stage to prevarnata built a temple to Apollo-Aulariok. The tomb is part of a larger archaeological complex of building in which people lived served the temple, ancient plumbing, castle and mine. Its entrance was decorated with a monumental pediment, on which also cross shield and arrow, are visible symbols of sun worship - two inverted human hands.
Dome complex has a unique structure for the whole of Thrace. Their domes are brick and are assembled megalithic way! Outside the plates are flat, which contributes to the dome has the appearance of sheststenna pyramid. And within each trapezoidal plate is shaped as part of the conical surface. By joining all six plates obtained complete truncated cone! Thus the ancient builders have created a modern dome of its time. There are several statements about the exact age of the creation of the monument V-III century BC.Hr. and end up dating II-III AD.
Importance of the domed tomb as a monument of culture comes primarily from its impressive and unique architectural style. It is unique and is among the important monuments of tomb construction during the Roman era. Proper restoration will contribute to the Thracian tomb near Malko Tarnovo to become a more attractive site for cultural tourism.
ивето, 15.01.2012
Много интересно, не знаех че там има такава гробница, а съм посещава това красиво градче много пъти...