We all know that when we take a trip should devote more resources to be able to meet all its attendant costs and to spend unforgettable. In the following lines will offer several ways how to save your money without being to the account of your spending. However, if you travel abroad you should take a little more money in the event of unforeseen circumstances. It's good to stay away from the main tourist areas. Because prices in places of accommodation are always higher in tourist centers, it is better to find shelter elsewhere. This is true for shops and restaurants. To find the restaurants where to eat at reasonable prices - are led on where you sit locals. Another important thing to save some money is the right choice of time in which to travel. Planning a trip outside the tourist season. Avoid traveling during national holidays. Look for discount tickets and how you can get discounted tickets for public transport for example. As mentioned public transport use it! Moving car, except that it will bring costs and will lose time looking for parking spaces. And if you combine tickets to attractions and museums will only win. A common practice, both abroad and in Bulgaria is to offer day tickets include entrance fees to several places. They are respectively a lower price. Before leaving, prepare insurance and other documents.
Sleeping is another thing you eat your savings during the trip. And not to sleep deprivation, planning your route so that travel at night. Another option for saving money is couchsurfing.com - sites of this type offer the possibility to sleep free in the home of local people. In this way, except that you will save money, you will experience the local culture, traditions and customs and learn more interesting things about the country you are visiting.
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