To build this unique hotel uses frozen water of the River Torne. Every year when temperatures fell below freezing, snow builders, architects, designers and artists from around the world gather in the small town of Jukkasjärvi far north of the Arctic Circle. Under the leadership of ICEHOTEL Art & Design Group, they create a version of ICEHOTEL.Stroitelniya process begins in mid-November when the snow guns start humming and large clouds of snow start to drift along the River Torne. The snow is sprayed on huge steel molds and freeze. After several days, the forms are removed, forming a maze of free-standing corridors of snow. The corridors are built with walls to create rooms and suites. Ice blocks derived from r.Torne be transported to the hotel where selected artists from all over the world started to create art and dizayn.Nyakoi of them have never experienced temperatures below zero. Experienced or not, each year they create new and unique art and design at the ICEHOTEL. Construction of the hotel is done in several stages, when a part is ready, it opens doors to visitors and guests, while other sections are still under construction. This lasted until the arrival of spring and the first sun rays that leave behind only memories and pictures of the hotel. During each winter the gallery suites hotel is frequented by about 30,000 people and spent the night there were 15,000 foreign guests.
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