Comoros or moon called on earth ... They hide spacious beaches, enchanting beauty and eternal summer. Comoros are located near Madagascar in the Indian Ocean. They represent archipelago, which consists of four large islands and several smaller volcanic base. In the Middle Ages they get their name al-qamar by the local population, which translated means "the moon" because of hardened lava on the white sandy beaches. Here are some reasons to go "on the moon" at the earliest opportunity. We should not overlook the fact that the largest crater in the world is located in the capital of Comoros - Nhadzidzha Grand Comore. There is also the highest active volcano on Earth - Cargo. Typical of the archipelago to have a wealth of endless beaches. They are long strips where are organized various competitions on the beach. Among the more typical beach competitions are those with canoe and Arab sailing dhows. If you ask the locals where would you filed, their answer will be on the banks of Buono and Galava. There beaches are more than perfect. Comoros can meet a variety of exotic animals. Some endimitite were flying fox of Lingstan, as well as some fruit bats. Turtles, exotic birds and dolphins will be able to see the mojito - the smallest island. Another attraction, which can admire is underwater Jurassic Park. There in the middle of the last century fisherman from locals caught very strange fish that are found to be Coelacanth occurring before 380 million. Years. Ancient fish has become an emblem of Komor and today it can meet souvenirs, restaurants and stamps. You can take advantage of the crystal clear waters and dive into them and enjoy the indescribable pictures. Swahili architecture can see the island of Anjouan. Itsandra fishing village is located near Moroni and gives you the opportunity to enjoy a great evening filled with dancing, interesting food and drink.
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