After Christmas and New Year holidays in December and January before us! Great month is January - winter's snow and cold. But if you're tired of the cold, read our proposal for a January vacation to warmer places.
Kartageta, Colombia - fishing town with colonial architecture that will impress you undoubtedly! In addition, you will have the opportunity to visit the magnificent beaches and cafes near the coastal paths where you can taste the fish caught smack. These facts make the destination as one of the most attractive for tourists of South America.
Keyptuan in South America - this is a good proposal to escape the winter weather in January, because this month in Cape Town's summer! Enjoy the beautiful beaches as of now planning your vacation there. Wine lovers can taste wines in the region Franschhoek.
Jamaica - just as you pronounce it becomes warm, right? Here's another good thing - the hurricane season is already finished - he was in Jamaica to October. This makes this Caribbean island easily accessible and extremely suitable for hot vacation in winter. Enjoy the tropical climate with beaches and crystal clear waterfalls. Great place to vacation!
Patagonia, Chile - here's something just for the winter. There can not go to the beach, but on the other hand, can enjoy the mountains covered with snow. Because it is close to the South Pole, daylight is approximately 17 hours. Right January is suitable for touring the Torres del Paine National Park - glaciers. One of the other entertainment options is Peninsula Valdez, where you can watch whales.
Philippines is our last proposal for the next season. January is the perfect time to visit this destination - the height of the dry season. Already poles of hell warmer months of May and October with unexpected typhoons typical are the islands of Southeast Asia. You can start your journey from Manila with a mix of Filipino, kirayski, Spanish and American cultures. Then travel south to Bicol, where you can enjoy the waterfalls, hot springs and volcanic craters.
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