Author: ..., 1.1 km From Batak.
During the April uprising in 1876 Batak village falls in the middle of the battle for the freedom of our country, the population at the expense of their lives and rivers of blood defending our right to be free. According to data available to us in the Batak massacre have lost their lives over 5000 Bulgarians brutally murdered by irregulars composed of Mohammedans led by Ahmed Aga Baroutinlia which this act receives praise and awards from the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire. In Batak has become the bloodiest carnage throughout the five centuries of our bondage in which they were lost in total about 25 000 Bulgarians. Leaders of the rebels voivodes Peter and Stefan Goranov Trendafilov lead the brave men of the village, but are betrayed by chorbadjis placing numerous Turkish army, no one is spared, neither chorbadjis nor defenseless women, children and old men, according to notes of witnesses told a chilling tale for cruelty, the village was burned together with the people tried to find refuge in some large buildings such as school, church, and unfortunately they failed to stop the enemy irregulars.
The church remains the last stronghold of faith and hope for the salvation of people, several days have bravely resisted the attacks of the Turks dug with their bare hands to search for water, drank the blood of the dead, the lamp oil use, but lack of food and water exhaustion forces people to hand over the temple of God and the bloodshed is not deleted and still on the walls of the church, not possible to forget the terrible days and enormous sacrifice of the local population. People are promising freedom if surrender voluntarily, but this does not happen, they are robbed and killed insults without any mercy to save some of them are forced to pretend to be killed. The church was burnt, but thanks to its massive stone structure is completely destroyed, only wooden furniture and burned icons. Church "St. Sunday is' domed cruciform building of stone and slightly dug into the ground, became a silent witness of the Batak massacre was built in 1813 on the site donated by Todor Balinov patriot and labor and efforts of the local population, after burning down in 1876 no longer is valid, later turned into a charnel house museum in memory of innocent victims killed during the April uprising. By a decision of 3 April 2011 Sv.Sinod already declared holy martyrs, have reached us a few names of massacre victims, martyrs and priests Neicho Peter, John, Elijah, Martyr Trendafil Toshev Kerelov, which is baked alive. On May 17, 2011 with Mass celebrated by Bishop Nicholas
Plovdiv launches and it is determined to honor the memory of saints captured in the icon lit in the church "St. Alexander Nevsky "in
Sofia. Church "Holy Sunday" became a shrine to this day kept behind the stone fence and its massive oak gates alive Bulgarian spirit and patriotism. It is one of the most visited monuments of heroic goal: and now the stone church we can see wells dug by desperate mothers to block many Bulgarians who have lost their heads on the walls are traces of fire and bullet holes, occupies a central place ossuary containing a small piece of bone from Bulgarians who preferred to die, but not to convert. He began building a new church in 1912 "Assumption of the Virgin Mary" in the neighborhood were built many small chapels.
Batak is a small village a long time managed to preserve the Bulgarian lifestyle and identity, although it is surrounded by villages with a predominantly Muslim population in 1963 was declared a city. The church is preaching to cherkovnoslavyanski language, although it was banned in Bulgarian churches church services at that time must be exported in Greek. After the massacre the Turks are trying to hide the traces of their atrocities, repainting the church, but everything is drenched with blood, causing discontent among representatives of many countries and war correspondents. Publicity which gives ultimate sacrifice in the village, during the revolt, made possible intervention of Russia and the liberation of our country. Batak massacre in our history remains as the greatest war crime.
Name, family name, 03.11.2013
nauchi se da pishesh pravilnoПламен Пламенов, 13.03.2014
Тия мръсни гадни турци да мрът дано да им се връща тройно тъпкано говеда изверги гадни долни да им еба майката дано да се разтвори земята под краката им и да ги погълне вън турците и циганите от България дано да ви изтрепе нещо долни говеда турци и цигани БЪЛГАРИЯ над всичко.Дано силно земетресение да стане в Турция и цунами и да ги утрепе вички цулата държава и всичко живо в тая долна говедарска Турция.Гергана Петрова, 13.03.2014
Ей изверги където сте трепали българи никога няма това да ви се прости майка ви гнусна да еба.Дано да ви утрепе нещо в Турция да ви избият и вас дано и вие долни турци да изпитате и вие пачаври гнусни злобни същата болка както и ние го изпитахме да ви се връща мамицата ви нещастна да мретеееееее мрете бе говеда дано да ви изтепа нещо.Вън турците и циганите от България не ви щем бе лайна долни докога ще ни малтретирате бе изверги.Смърттттт за турците и циганите.Panterkata, 22.02.2020
аз съм била в Батак,ходила съм в църквата виждала съм кръвта по стените ,още е там и в костницата има даже и малки черепчета, това значи че са убивали и бебета настръхвам като се сетя за това място.ван дам, 06.02.2023
всичко се връща рано или късноDelcheva, 03.07.2023
Всичко,което казвате е точно така и е абсолютната истина!!! Споделям мнението Ви 1000%!!!