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Bezisten in Yambol
Historical / Monuments
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If you decide to visit the town of Yambol, the mandatory part of the route you should be in the center of the shopping center. Yambol covered market is perhaps the most interesting - and characteristic monument of the city. Built in 1509 - 1510, in the typical Ottoman architectural style of the time, the shopping center is not only one of the most massive structures in Yambol, but the only surviving building from the period of Ottoman domination of its kind in Bulgaria. In surviving Ottoman chronicles mention the shopping center as vibrant market center for trade and place where you can find a good price: "This lively and decorated arcade in no other country." Says Ottoman chronicler Evliya Çelebi visited the arcade in 1667 . The roof, with hemispherical domes of the arcade were originally lined with lead sheets. After the liberation of Bulgaria in 1878, the lead lining is replaced with tiles that half a century later removed and replaced sheet is placed. During the war for the liberation of Bulgaria (1877-78), Yambol is one of the strategic bases of the Ottoman army. In this period the shopping center was used as a warehouse for provisions of the Turkish army. Years - later, in 1927, after an internal reconstruction and repair of the building to the main part of the arcade are upgraded pantries. After the reconstruction of the closed market becomes large, bustling trade - craft center. Yet another reconstruction in the period 1970 - 1973, when the building was restored and acquired appearance similar to its original. In 1972 the shopping center was announced in the Official Gazette for the monument. According to some experts the interior of the arcade has excellent acoustics, perhaps - best in Bulgaria and could become a venue for concerts. Yambol Municipality has an ambitious project to transform a closed market into a cultural center with a concert hall.
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