Dolmens - s Zabernovo
Author: Стела Горова, 30 metres From Zabernovo. , GPS coordinates: N 42.1021389 E 27.5616931
Dolmens are megalithic structures (stone necropolises) megalithic monuments of construction used in our land during the period from IX to VII century BC. The era in which these facilities were established cemetery is bezpismenna allowing their dating and primary purpose to be based mainly on dogatki. In Bulgaria, the dolmens of this kind are found mostly in the Strandja - Sakar and Rhodopes, as their existence is highly threatened due to continual raiding treasure-hunter and the lack of adequate care for them.
Dolmens are known in Bulgarian folklore as Dragon holes / home / local population has long been believed to be inhabited by mythical creatures.
In - depth study of these monuments in Bulgaria began in the early twentieth century
Zabernovo dolmen near the village date back to XI - VII century BC. Located in Lagat, 6 km. west of the village. The path to them is difficult, unmarked. If you visit dolmens for the first time, we recommend contacting the village leader. They consist of two identical marble tombs located next to each other. In - the great dolmen of the pair is unicameral, with a porch. The other is a unicameral, without a porch. Slabs that covered both dolmens are displaced. Their entrances are facing south.
During the excavations conducted by Professor Daniela Agre in 2002 human remains were found in both tombs and bronze okrasheniya typical of the Thracian tribes who inhabited the Strandja in this era. It is believed that the mounds were used for family tombs, shrines and rituals. Their structure resembles a small house. One theory for the Thracians, they believed in the afterlife and immortality of the soul that have sent their loved ones in the afterlife of everyday objects they made in stone houses.
Due to many factors, including hunters, influence of environment and mismanagement, the majority of the facility was heavily damaged and destroyed.
The area around is dotted with mounds of stone, probably the remains of other facilities mound.
Similar mounds are found elsewhere in Strandja, the most - in the nearby villages of Zvezdets and Evrenezovo.
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m.dimitrova, 09.06.2012
"Долмените" са наистина уникални .Жалко ,че до тях се достига изключително трудно.Успяхме само благодарение на това ,че се движихме с високо проходимо кола.И разбира се с местни наши приятели - Пантелей и Клина Георгиеви .