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Fortress Kozyak
Author: Стела Горово, 2.4 km From Obzor.
If you decide to stay in a beautiful overview, take the time to look around the city. Obzor is a city with rich history. The first evidence of settlement dating from before 3000 years. First overview inhabited by Thracians, who created the ancient village Naulohas, also known under the names Tetranaulohas or Tatranaulohas. Greek settlers centuries - late in the first millennium BC, based on the ancient city of Heliopolis (translated from Greek - Sunny city).
In the I century BC, after the conquest of the town by the Romans built a temple here is the god Jupiter. The city gets its name Teopolis (City of God) or Templum Yovis (Yupitersko sanctuary). The ruins of the temple to this day can be seen in the city center. In - later that is where one of the summer residences of the Byzantine emperors. During the Ottoman rule arises here Gyozeken settlement, which in Turkish means Obzor. Current town was named in 1936, and on September 9, 1984 Overview officially became a city.
Medieval fortress Kozyak is probably - interesting archaeological site near the town. Nowadays the castle is not much left. Ruins of Kozyak located on the eastern of the two opposite slopes of Mount Iancu hill to the valley of Dvoynitsa river passes through the city. According to researchers, the ancient fortress consisted of two parts, the front, more accessible, was a plan of an irregular hexagon, firmly built to protect against enemy raids. Remains of the tower visible in the northern part of the ruins. Fortress undoubtedly used as a pier. Sackcloth of hair, suffered severe damage during sea campaign against Bulgarian lands in 1366 the Knights of Count Amadeus VI of Savoy. In the nineteenth century. Kozyak fully decline after its harbor, inaccessible to larger ships, was visited only by small vessels sailing along, here are exported mainly timber.
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