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Landmark Milkini rocks, Stara Zagora
Author: , 6.7 km From Borushtitsa. , Адрес: Stara Zagora, с. Колена , GPS coordinates: N 42.5198844 E 25.7174779
Landmark Milkini Rocks is located in Stara Zagora, in the village of. Elbows. The natural landmark is a rock formation made up of fine-grained sandstone. According to legend, was found near the possessions of the local feudal Hrishtyan in 1371. Once defeated in battle with the Turks him, his two sisters Milka and Stanka entangled hair and then jumped into the abyss of rocks.
The transition from the furnace village Elbows to Milkini rocks is about 1 hour and 30 minutes.
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