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Региональный исторический музей - Плевен

Автор: Таня Димитрова, на 718 метра из Плевен.    , GPS координаты: N 43.4044784    E 24.6181458
Региональный исторический музей - Плевен, фото

  One of the richest historical museums in Bulgaria is situated in Pleven. Besides the abundant fund museum, historical museum can boast an impressive building, which is the work of Italian architect. Regional Historical Museum preserves and disseminates more than 180 000 museum exhibits reflecting the historical, moral and secular culture, as well as models of animate and inanimate nature, which are part of our heritage. The museum has twenty-four rooms where there are over five thousand museum valuables divided into several departments - Archeology, Ottoman rule and the Renaissance, Modern and Contemporary History, Ethnography and Nature. In Archaeology Department will meet with the development of Pleven and the region in time from antiquity to the Middle Ages. In the Renaissance period are allocated five halls, we will explore the economic, educational and cultural growth in the Bulgarian lands from Ottoman rule until the liberation of Bulgaria. The history and development after the liberation of Pleven are presented in Section Modern and Contemporary History.

    Ethnography Section are collections of costumes, home furnishings and crafts typical of the region. Here are preserved the spirit and morals of urban life in the region. Section Nature shows animals and plants peculiar to this region. In Lapidarium the museum are artifacts and stone monuments of ancient times. Regional Historical Museum of Pleven can boast an impressive numismatic collection, it is among the most important museum collections, and includes more than 25,000 coins. The museum has a rich library of over 10,000 volumes of specialized literature. Represented in museum collections are particularly impressive, this is one of the museums in Bulgaria, you should visit, you will be charmed.


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